Over 3.2 million electric customers are currently without power due to #HurricaneHelene.
1.2 million out in #Florida
936k out in #Georgia
849k out #SouthCarolina
264k out #NorthCarolina
[2024-09-27 6:56 AM EDT]
Over 1 million electric customers are currently without power in #Florida due to #HurricaneHelene.
46k are out in #Georgia.
[2024-09-26 11:31 PM EDT]
Over 520k electric customers are currently without power in #Florida due to #HurricaneHelene.
[2024-09-26 08:33 PM EDT]
Over 310k electric customers are without power in #Louisiana due to #HurricaneFrancine.
[2024-09-11 9:58:05 PM CDT]
https://poweroutage.us is an on going project created to monitor and record #PowerOutages in the #UnitedStates. Follow for updates on major #PowerOutage events.